Rotate problem Eng,Ru #Solved
code here: _____ I tyed many ways(all I found) exept last one(cause it's dumb) ______ The problem is : When I'm using css rotate (or keyframes,or js css transition+rotate change) - transition applies to all transforms for this element (on Previous too)... That will not help,cause first rotate shouldn't be animated(or animated instantly). (It's just first positions before spins). JQ animate just doesn't work at all (even with patch for some reasons,maybe I do it wrong way) Remain way as I see - just to put each block in new blocks and animate it... (move inner blocks on it's positions,then wrap blocks with new ones which will be animated) But that's realy dumb.... So... What exectly I wanna do with it: 1.Before animation starts each block should be on it's position (+22.5deg each) 2.Then we start infinite animation (rotate) Then i'll make some other actions with it... But first of all I need to solve this problem... _____ You can speak both English and Russian here ,i'll undestand both (at least I hope so :D )