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Basic JS Question: Assigning x++ as values of variable y
Hi, this is a very basic question but it’s driving me nuts. Would be extremely thankful for a new perspective/explanation that can make me understand the error in my thought process! let x = 1; let y = x++; console.log(y) —> result is 1, but I would expect y to be 2 as in: let y = x + 1 —> let y = 1+1; on the other hand, console.log(x) results in 2; why? I declared the new value for y, not x. I’m so confused. Please help!
5 Antworten
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x++ will increment x when line or statement ends, so:
y = x++ is y = x (and then will x be x + 1 )
And in new line if we log x we get x = 2 but y = 1
We also can have y = ++x
if you use this than it will first add 1 to x and than assign value to variable y(like you expected), but x++ will first assign to y and than add 1 to x. Order matters.
+ 2
Thank you!! Now the first result in loops with x++ actually also make more sense!
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In loop x++ and ++x will be same, because how loop work.
for(let x = 1; i <= 10; x++) {
We first declare variable
Then compare to check do we need to run loop
Then run loop
Then we do whatever is at third place here is x++, but it can be x = x + 10
Than again we check condition.....
So even if we place ++x this will run at end and have same effect
Here is more about this operator:
Here is example with for loop:
We can use both i++ and ++i for loop will always run this code at end and because it is end of statement it will always increment or decrement if we use (i--)
Most people use i++ not ++i, you can also use i = i + 1, note that we need here equal sign
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Know this by heart
If the incremental operator comes after a variable, the operation affects only the variable and otherwise.
Let's say
let x = 1;
let y= x++;
// console.log(x) = 2
// console.log(y) = 1
let a = 1;
let b = ++a;
//console.log(a) = 2
//console.log(b) = 2
I hope this helps. Cheers!
+ 1
Oh wow, this is so helpful!! Thank you!!