How Do I Change The Property?
var money = 100000 const car = { price:5000, bought:false, buy: function(){ if(car.bought == false && money > car.price){ money = money - car.price; // i want to change the bool bought to true but idk how } } }
2 Antworten
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this.bought = true; // "this" refers to the car object
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Object members in JS can't be accessed by reference inside of the object's initialization, because the variable holding it is assigned a reference to the object AFTER all key/value pairs have been defined. So when you refer to `car.bought` from inside the object, the environment doesn't know yet that `car` holds a reference to `bought`, instead thinking `car` is an undefined variable.
What you could do though is use the 'this' keyword instead, which refers to the object's context.
const car = {
price: 5000,
bought: false,
buy: function () {
if (this.bought == false && money > this.price) {
money = money - this.price;