+ 1

Are there any plans for assembly?

Like the title, I want to try assembly code, but cuz of personal reasons I can barely use my computer I tried using chatgpt&videos etc but didnt go so well cuz theres no practices or challanges Ik its incredibly hard&long project thing, both for developers and learners, but im pretty sure the effect will be powerful, considering the importance and lack of reverse engineerers

1st Jul 2023, 1:16 PM
AI 0523
4 Antworten
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AI 0523 Send feedback on info@sololearn.com
1st Jul 2023, 3:18 PM
A͢J - avatar
And imo, pretty sure over 90% of the people who learn coding with phone apps commonly shares, AT LEAST 1 thing among these: a lack of computer time / needs the coding device portable / gets drifted away playing games / having nothing(or bored) to do in a phone etc...
1st Jul 2023, 1:23 PM
AI 0523
Ppl ask us why we code with a phone, but honestly we all goddamn know a computer provides WAYYY faster, better function&efficiency&access, but why would we insist using a phone?
1st Jul 2023, 1:27 PM
AI 0523
Ppl who uses phones for some personal limit/restrictions rely on apps like these so much. I mean, real hard. I coded with an iphone for like 3 years, encountered many many problems due to compatibility Although i did manage to solve most, some remains clueless, especially assembly I hope, and im sure im not the only case around here. Plus cases like me will increase as new ppl kicks in Right now i dont see any ios apps teaching assembly, and if sololearn creates one im sure the impact will be huge Ty all for reading this long post
1st Jul 2023, 1:41 PM
AI 0523