jdk didn't install properly in my computer.What do I do?
When i typed `javak` on command prompt, it is saying that it is not recognized as an internal or external command, what do I do ?
8 Antworten
+ 14
And what happens if you type the javac command with params correctly?
Did you set the path?
+ 5
javak is not command..
type javac and check..
or type java -version and check the version of jdk.
+ 4
plz used javac or java -version. javak is not command
+ 1
I've encountered this problem too @Smitha and the solution is simple really. All you need to do, besides adding that path to the path variable, is to change that path variable name to uppercase too and then it will work.
Example (Java):
-Click on start menu then right-click "Computer" and choose properties.
-Then click on "Advanced system settings"
-Then click on "Environment Variables.."
-Then in the "System variables" box, search for the path variable
-If the path variable is still written like this "Path" then change it to uppercase "PATH"
If you've already added the path as instructed in the Java tutorial then this simple change of path variable name to uppercase will make it work.
I did set the path correctly. I even typed javak command properly. I wonder why it happened?