11 Antworten
+ 1
use pycharm, you'll love it
+ 5
Umm...maybe he wanna ask about Text Editor (like VS Code, Atom, PyCharm etc), not a compiler! Right?
+ 2
Python is an interpreted language. You dont use a compiler, rather an interpreter.
You can install IDLE for Python from the official website python.org, which is what you are looking for.
+ 2
Use PyCharm. Generally speaking the IDEs made by JetBrains have no match in the market.
+ 2
Highly recommend VS Code as its lightweight and highly recommended by majority and i also use it personally
+ 1
Which operating system?
+ 1
Windows Lisa
+ 1
You meet to install a Python interpreter from https://www.python.org/
Then pick a editor or IDE you like and install that.
How can ı have more examples of python??? I need work more on that :)
First u should install latest version of python and use a lightweight editor like NetBeans and Visual studio code. I personally like vs code
I want to post my code but there is no hTML options in the languages