I want to know coding for this. Please help me with this.
Complete the code to ask the user for input, store it in the name variable, and display it on the screen. Input Example Expect Example name="Tom" Tom name= "Bob" Bob
9 Antworten
+ 4
Jaspreet Kaur ,
the description with the 2 names is quite confusing. we do not have to handle 2 names, but just 1 name.
> take a name as input and store it in a variable.
> use this variable to output the name.
we do not give ready-made codes. but it would be helpful for us to see your code, please link it here.
+ 4
Fateme Biglari ,
it is not seen as very helpful when we are going to post a ready-made code, as long as the op has not shown his attempt here.
> it is more helpful to give hints and tips, so that the op has a chance to find a solution by himself.
+ 2
The hints are already written in the code window.
If you can't figure out how to complete the task, I recommend you to review the material.
Jaspreet Kaur, my answer maybe harsh.
There is an alternative.
You can just hit RUN, than you will see what are the inputs and the expected outputs.
From there you can work backwards and solve the task.
Do you know what asks for input?
You mean this?
name_input = input()
Yup, that’s how you do it
Just use input() and then print it.
This practice got my mind confused but over a period of time i run the right code.
As 2 names given makes it confusing. But you have to take (1) names as input and store in a viriables and use the viriables as the output.