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Responsive gif image
How can I make a gif image responsive to all devices with css and html?
11 Antworten
LINK your code, if you want us to check on your code.
Position and size are different things.
+ 3
img {
width: 90%;
instead of
img {
width: 500px;
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use relative units instead of absolute units.
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Great that you found a way to fix it!
Could you give me an example please Lisa
I have done that already and yet the gif picture I have won't stay in the middle underneath the header when you open the website on a phone but on a pc the website is perfectly fine
Ok once I get home from work I will link my html code and css code Lisa
Thank you Lisa
I was able to fix it with this code
Img {
Width: 100%;
Max-width: 300px;
Display: block;
Margin: 0 auto;
@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
Img {
Padding-left: 0;
Thank you for you help Lisa