+ 1

Anyone up for sending me beginner Python challanges?

I want a harder challange than the exercices. Don't make it too hard tho.. I have about a month of experience (beside sololearn). Let's exchange!

1st Apr 2024, 8:08 PM
Zof - avatar
2 Antworten
+ 6
Zof , Check out the Code Coaches. They're like brain candy. Each is a short program to write. They come in Easy, Medium, or Hard. If you're on the Android app, this is the path. 🔵 Exit this discussion. 🔵 Tap Community at the bottom. 🔵 Be in the PRACTICE tab. 🔵 See the Code Coach section. 🔵 Tap VIEW MORE. 🔵 Sort by "Easy" and "Unsolved". 🔵 Read some descriptions until you find one you like. 🔵 Tap the CODE tab. 🔵 Choose "Python" or any language. 🔵 Work on a solution until it passes the test cases. 🔵 Save it. Then do another tomorrow. If you're on the iOS app, Sololearn removed them, but people complained, and supposedly they were going to put them back. Send email to info@sololearn.com or use the Feedback option in the main menu to remind them you want them back.
1st Apr 2024, 11:04 PM
Rain - avatar