+ 10
Greetings 💙
The question is about Solo-Learn's privacy or about users private codes Recently I had mentioned my brother to show my code to ask about suggession (which was private) and to my shock it was seen by one of my friend here...(Not only to one person but can be seen by everyone) Which is not good if I create one code and it is visible to everyone thought comments then one might copy it before the creator post it
20 Antworten
+ 4
Kim 반테
Got the issue.
I went through your feed posts and then I see your comment which should not happen because you have commented on private code.
+ 8
A͢J thank you sir
I hope this issue will be solved as soon as possible
Chris Coder thank you too
+ 5
Aiman Zehra
No but if any comments are added in that private code
That your code is NOT ANYMORE PRIVATE :)
+ 5
Kim 반테
Can you mention code name?
+ 4
A͢J in the activity feed settings i see two seperate toggles for questions. I wonder if one has to do with this issue.
+ 4
I don't know about how come, you got likes in your private code without having any comments
But it's true that's very annoying
But now for few months atleast we should not put any comments in our code
So just to keep our work safe
+ 3
Kim 반테
Nobody can see your private code but If you share your private code publically then it is no more private.
+ 3
Nope this issue is faced by everyone
I think it's new feature which is Not stable
I'm using this app from almost 3 years
This not used to happen before
And one can access private codes if owner mention someone!!
But now all are able to see it though comments!
+ 3
A͢J ji
it's "FOR QUE"
+ 3
A͢J https://www.sololearn.com/post/1758084/?ref=app
sir I did not mentioned you there but
You can see my comment and if you click on that "here aj sir" comment
You will be directed to my PRIVATE CODE
+ 3
Kim 반테
It is not allowing me to go on your code. When I click there just opening that post only but not code. Even I cannot see that comment because code is private.
+ 3
It is not possible to see comment and click on comment when code is private. So I belive you have shared code publically or your brother did it.
+ 3
Chris Coder
I got the issue, we can see private code through the Feed Post comment on private code.
+ 3
A͢J Thanks I see the issue. You are right shouldn't be shown in Feed Post if private.
+ 2
A͢J Good afternoon sir
Can you Please check my comments in my profile?
If I mentioned only one person then it's should be visible to only that person
But the thing is that comment are making way to private codes
Which was used to happen before
+ 2
A͢J sir can you please check my comments in my profile
I've posted one comment in my code without mentioning anyone
And I'm sure it will be visible to you + you can even see my code
+ 2
@Tewodros Mulugeta Temesgen For unrelated questions, it's best to create a new post. Regarding the GEN AI course on SoloLearn, it's paid, but the first lesson is free. For more information: SoloLearn's GEN AI course. https://www.sololearn.com/en/learn-how-to-use-ai/
+ 2
Kim 반테 ,
I noticed something similar months ago. I have a PRIVATE code that I attached comments to, and other people could see my comments to myself in the activity feed. Very annoying, and no warning.
Also, just today, a Java code I had saved 8 months ago as PRIVATE, which I had not attached any comments to or touched in any way during that time, suddenly today got two likes and a comment from other people, which I didn't think was even possible, so maybe Sololearn broke something recently.
+ 1
I didn't understand what sololearn is up to, the course about GenAI was progressing. An hour later the course asked me to buy it. Have any of you got such experience or is it me alone?