Input emojis and stickers
Hi guys how can i use emojis, icons and stickers in sololearn
6 Antworten
+ 1
Each emoji has their own hexdecimal/ decimal code in HTML and CSS. You can look up the codes, for instance, here:
https://emojiterra.com/rabbit/ (scroll down)
Stickers are images.
Icons are images, too. If you want to use an icon library, you need to add the cdn in the header. For instance, bootstrap icons:
(put the
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap-icons@1.11.1/font/bootstrap-icons.css" integrity="sha384-4LISF5TTJX/fLmGSxO53rV4miRxdg84mZsxmO8Rx5jGtp/LbrixFETvWa5a6sESd" crossorigin="anonymous">
in the head)
+ 1
Usually, mobile apps have this feature built into the keyboard. If you're working from a desktop or Mac, you can copy and paste emojis from a website and directly paste them into your code or comments sections. 👍
+ 1
Wooow guys that was really helpful thanks a lot I'm grateful...
Where exactly do you want to use them? In a code bit? Which programming language?
Css and html....
You're welcome Vee omoowo