+ 3
why is this platform infested with web devs
6 Antworten
+ 5
Don't like web dev? You're missing out on the all the fun!
+ 4
It's partly because of Sololearn's console io limitations.
Without a real terminal, input output options are crippled for the other programming languages.
Non-interactive programs are not as fun to play with.
+ 1
it isnt that i dont like it, theres soo many web devs and such little console code , i understand that web is the only sololearn pg type with a gui but still. im more of python / c++ person but i learned html css and js so i can understand whats happening and can read code and structure if i ever need to parse a webpage
+ 1
Buddy web devs are the best
+ 1
Complie to wasm and go web ;)
TheMunchkinOfficial if only javascript didnt exist