+ 2
Earning Code Bits
[SOLVED] I cannot seem to earn code bits after solving code coach problems in multiple languages? I think it's a bug my profile is not updated and not in sync... Please help if I'm missing something here....
12 Antworten
+ 5
Aditya you only get bits on the initial code in the code coaches not additional bits or xp for additional languages solved <-
Other ways to earn bits and xp
+ 4
I can confirm that. No extra bits for additional languages. But doing those as personal exercises is still a good idea.
+ 4
BroFar ,
the attachment you have posted is from 2021. are you sure that this is still upto date?
i found this:
How to earn more bits:
Complete a lesson 5 bits
Complete a Code Project 5 bits
Complete a Code Coach 5 bits
Complete a Code Repo 5 bits
Win a Code Challenge with a daily limit of 10x 10 bits
+ 4
My intuition was right the first time sololearn database took some time to update my profile. I got my code bits.
+ 3
Thanks Lothar you are correct
+ 3
maybe something is broken in Sololearn's bit award system, your account, your app, etc..
Sometimes closing and opening the app forces the update for me.
+ 3
Earning code bits
+ 1
How to earn more bits
+ 1
I don't think anything is wrong with your account maybe it's your app like you need to check for updates and try again
Hii every one