+ 52
Improvement for quiz ratings
<tldr>What new feature would help to rate submissions?</tldr> I always see complaints that there should be more new challenge questions and more weapons. I think SoloLearn doesn't add more due to missing ratings. And I try to rate submissions, but it's really a lot of work if you want to do it properly. So I want to know, what can make it easier to rate submissions? One feature I'm really missing: 'Try it yourself' linked to code playground, with the code of the submission pasted there. Any other ideas?
51 Antworten
+ 36
1. There should be two way links between code playground and the factory, that way the reater can try the code and the submitter can avoid stupid typos.
2. Once rated the quiz has to be approved by SL or by SL appointed users (Quiz Mods), then the approver can edit the quiz, return it to the submitter and if he approves the edits the quiz can be published. That is mostly to avoid some doubtful English....
3. The raters should somehow be rewarded for rating.
@Tashi you are right that if done properly done rating takes a lot of time, I spend mine mostly in challenges, but once I reach my goal I'm planning to be much more active there :D
+ 95
you could try submitting simple but twisted quizzes :
I had 4 declined Python submissions on Thursday night :
so, I deleted them and submitted another set:
3 of them were approved within 12 hrs!
<^> simplification, with a twist, is key, I guess! <^>
+ 94
@ Tashi :
if the devs could come up with a better way of filtering out spam,
quiz ratings could improve immensely :
I tried to rate some python and html quizzes some time ago,
and among the first quizzes were:
~ "what is rapper Eminem's real name?"!
~ "what is my favourite color?"!
<^> I didn't even bother to proceed any further! <^>
@Leon :
it means a lot, coming from you :
Quiz creation is an art,
in which I'm getting good at...
+ 21
@Ace there is the needed edge. Maybe you should post your rejected quizzes as codes so we can at least learn from them.
+ 18
@Andrey you are putting a lot of thought and effort into this, per usual. Thank you
+ 18
I did my best to sum up and categorise everything from this thread and the two others that are mentioned here and sent all to SL.
+ 18
SoloLearn replied a couple of days ago, that the team will study all submissions thoroughly. After that they will decide on the best way to implement them.
Just wanted to let y'all know ^^
Thanks to everyone who shared their ideas!
+ 16
I'm going to submit this to SoloLearn, but I'd like to know if anyone has new / better ideas to improve the rating section.
+ 16
that is good idea.
i think sololearn should make another group to rate quizz. like 7 dedicated user who give upvote.
if the quizz submitted get 7 upvote, it will be sent to Sololearn Dev that will rerate the quizz. of course the main condition for the team is that they can't submit any quizz but they can get Quizz Tester Badge. just like moderator badge that is given every month.
+ 16
I see. But I guess that would make the decision to approve or decline a question harder. What about choosing a reason for a dislike at least? Like 'too hard', 'too easy', 'not covered by the course', 'typo', 'nonsense'?
+ 16
I'll add this thread and a summary of all opinions / ideas to the email to SoloLearn. So your voice will be heard.
+ 15
Someone submitted a link to code playground in the quiz factory. But I couldn't find the thread. If you read this: Did SoloLearn reply to your submission?
+ 15
@Agus Good idea. But it would need a group for every single language. I don't rate questions when I don't know the weapon well enough.
+ 15
Yeah of course.
it will better if @Nikolay joined.
he can be in any team. (He is the Quizz Conqueror) 😁
+ 15
Until now, the majority tended to form another closed group and to integrate code playground.
That sounds like a good and practical system.
And you definitely would deserve a 'quiz approver' badge to let you test the quizzes before approval and maybe xp for each tested/corrected quiz, that will help you on your way to 100k ^^
+ 15
i am not girl or guy.
i am a Cat. 😁
Seriously, i am a male.
male cat. 😁
+ 14
@Mei nailed it.
+ 14
@Tashi, You asked this question is what you had to do.
Now I'll be alerted to rate submissions a little bit daily. I actually do it sometimes but very less.
+ 13
You can check that in the quiz factory > my submissions. It's more likely still pending.
+ 13
That nailed it. Experts stop submitting challenge questions because the community downvotes them and so they aren't approved. Who should want this to happen?
For me this is the point where the system must be improved.
We have enough repetitive, simple quizzes, we need new ideas and high quality submissions.