+ 2
Can anyone plz describe me about if statement i still didn't understand about this....????
Can anyone plz describe me about if statement i still didn't understand about this....????
5 Antworten
+ 2
If statements are to help programs skip lines if certain conditions are met where you want to jump over a section of code. Think about reading sentences.
You go to the club and are asked to provide your age.
If (age >= 21)
say "Come on in."
User_Is_In_Club = true
say "Your not old enough."
User_Is_In_Club = false
You dont want your program to say both lines because you will confuse people. Come on in. Your not old enough. So if statements will execute the section with the correct conditions and proceed to the rest of the code after the ending else section.
If (User_Is_In_Club == true)// (User_Is_In_Club) will produce the same results.
Users_Mood = "Happy"
Users_Mood = "Sad"
Now we can use a cout statement.
cout << Users_Mood; // We will be able to monitor the users Mood status though the use
of if statements with out making the user Happy and Sad.
+ 8
You got to yourself into a lottery, and all you have to do is throw a die, IF you get 6 you win ELSE you lose.
Heres a program
I hope its clear.
+ 1
yup not completely but little bit n thanks for your help bro
+ 1
got it thanks bro
{ //this part executes if condition is true
{//this part executes if condition is false
for example
cout<<"other number";
in this if value of a is 10 then it print ten otherwise it print other number