How can i sort an integer number in Java?
i want to sort (472964) and print it like this (244679). i can't use arrays or any other var types except integer.
12 Antworten
+ 4
Oo cool jeth👍
but i will trace it out,might take some time.
but thanx😊
edit: thanx Tiago ☺
+ 3
Search for Collections methods and Bubble sort.
The logic can be seen here:
+ 2
java gave us so many functions ,Y the hard way :/
+ 2
@Jeth,do u have the link for explanation of this code,send the link pls...
+ 1
Well, it will be much more easy with arrays. But...
int num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6, inputNum, sortedNum, tempNum;
inputNum = 472964;
num1 = inputNum/100000;
num2 = (inputNum/10000)%10;
num3 = (inputNum/1000)%10;
num4 = (inputNum/100)%10;
num5 = (inputNum/10)%10;
num6 = inputNum%10;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (num2 < num1) {
tempNum = num1;
num1 = num2;
num2 = tempNum;
if (num3 < num2) {
tempNum = num2;
num2 = num3;
num3 = tempNum;
if (num4 < num3) {
tempNum = num3;
num3 = num4;
num4 = tempNum;
if (num5 < num4) {
tempNum = num4;
num4 = num5;
num5 = tempNum;
if (num6 < num5) {
tempNum = num5;
num5 = num6;
num6 = tempNum;
sortedNum = num1*100000 + num2*10000 + num3*1000 + num4*100 + num5*10 + num6;
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It is my own code, i just writed it by myself so if you need an explanation - ask what you want to know.
+ 1
Well, then you should look at the link above. My code is not optimal and works bad with zeroes in number, there is a better algorithm in the link with explanation.
it's an assignment. 😥
good work @Jeth
i need a dynamic code that reada an integer feom the console. i need it to work with any number, whether it's 21 or 48294782817839.
see my code
thank you everybody. but i wrote an easy and efficient code. just did a bubble sort for the digits in the number. if anyone wants the code,et me know.
Yeah you can convert an integer into an int! Its called unboxing. You usually see it happening during arraylists.