+ 8
What to do after we make a website using Html, Css and or JS?
Sorry if this has been already asked , but I would like to know more about hosting a website. How to set a "www dot example dot com " domain which is kinda unique for our own created website from scratch. Are the rates high? And why are they sold per month or per year not for a lifetime? Wonder How much does Google must be paying for it's Google dot com domain?
3 Antworten
+ 2
first you have to purchase domain, then set the address of your servers in your domain namespace and wait for 12 hrs until your new address is pushed to all DNS servers.
if you do not have knowledge about all this strongly suggest you to buy both domain and hosting from single service provider like hostgator coz it will ease you alot they will automatically sets nameservers on you domain.
+ 4
I think google doesn't pay, google owns.. For your question: I think it depends on the sort domain; dot com is only 5 euro's max if you find the right host here in holland. dot nl is only one euro. So i quess it also dependa very much on the country you are from. Try google host domain in your own language/country, its how I found my host..
+ 2
Step1 purchase a domain - best godaddy... even Google has some options.
step 2 use some hosting services - options :
a) godaddy & other hosting services
b) AWS (very important for free & very flexible)
use s3 buckets to host the website files .
step 3 redirect the domain name purchased to the hosting place .
step 4 u may add additional features like error handling server scheduling or sharing etc