+ 132
Programming facts... [See/Share]
Let us see some programming or programming language facts. 1) The first computer “bug” was named after a real bug. 2) The first computer programmer was a woman named Ada Lovelace. 3) Java was called Oak at the beginning. The name Oak was used by James Gosling (creator of Java) after an oak tree that stood outside his office. Share the programming or programming language related facts you know...
107 Antworten
+ 108
One more from me:
If computer programming were a country, it would be the third most diverse for languages spoken. Papua New Guinea has approximately 836 languages spoken, making it the number one country when it comes to linguistic diversity. Second is Indonesia, with more than 700 and then Nigeria, with over 500 languages. All notable programming languages known to man, both those in current use and historical ones, amount to 698 languages. If it were a country, computer programming would be in third position.
+ 86
oracle's java compiler is written in java itself
does it mean java compiles itself😆😆😆😆
+ 85
The first computers were powered by steam.
the real steam.
during the 1830s,the very first computing devices was as large as a house and was powered by six steam engines and guess who created it? Charles Babbage, who is regarded as the father of computing, and he called his invention as the Analytic Engine.
- techworm
+ 55
Python is named after Monty Python's Flying Circus.
Yes, we have a programming language named after the best comedy group in the history of the planet.
+ 48
Ruby is inspired by Python. Python was created by Guido Von Rossum because he was bored and wanted to make something as a christmas holiday project, now one of the major programming languages, and was created because someone was bored.
+ 47
"The first known use of the word “computer” was in 1613 in a book called The Yong Mans Gleanings by English writer Richard Braithwaite. In it he said, “I haue read the truest computer of Times, and the best Arithmetician that euer breathed, and he reduceth thy dayes into a short number.” (The spelling mistakes were all deliberate BTW, it was a simpler time back then)."
- thenextweb.com
+ 38
Every great programmer's first program is ^Hello World^ 😝
+ 36
** Abstraction allows humanity to create software no one man understands.
** Programmers have a tendency to report their problems incompletely.
** Developers slow to ask for help when facing problems
** Developers seek other forms of help before talking to co-workers.
** Progress in programming can be classified into 4 stages:
_Complex Programming
_Making Progress
_Slow Progress
** Developers find beatable and unbeatable barriers
+ 30
FACEBOOK runs on 61 million lines of code.🤔 and
Debugging is twice harder than... Programming.
+ 29
Did you know?
"The best place to hide a dead body is on Google page 2"
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 (Joke)
+ 27
Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger started Wikipedia
+ 26
The first computer viruses were not programned initially to cause harm, but to fix glitches in codes. Evil programmers used it to alter the code to their favour instead
+ 26
😎Interesting facts about Java..😎
* 3 Billion devices use Java, highest than any other programming language.
* More than 95% of Enterprise's Desktops work on Java.
* The initially name for Java was Oak.
* There are 9 million Java Developers worldwide( I'm one of them...😇).
* The average salary for Java developers in US is $83,975.
* Java was originally developed for TV, but the digital cable industry does not adopt it.
* In popularity among programming languages Java ranks #2 worldwide, at #1 C is rulling them all.
*** Please share this knowledge to others ***
**** Happy Coding 😃 ****
+ 25
The image of Lena Söderberg is a standard test image widely used in the field of image processing since 1973. The image was cropped from the centerfold of November 1972 issue of Playboy magazine.
The editor-in-chief of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Image Processing, David Munson, gave two reasons why the image is so popular:
a. It contains a nice mixture of detail, flat regions, shading and texture that do a good job of testing the capabilities of any image processing software.
b. Lena’s image is a picture of an attractive woman. It is not surprising that the (mostly male) image processing research community are inclined to use the image.
+ 25
First compiler developed by Grace Hopper
+ 23
The first computer game was programmed by Steve Russell named "Spacewar!". It was a double- player game where players needed to play with two spaceships. Though the sad fact is Steve Russell never profited from that historical game 😐.
+ 22
The Elephant logo was originally introduced and created in 1998 for the PHP community by Vincent Pontier - spiritual father of thousands of ElePHPants around the world. In 1998, there were mostly CGI scripts used for dynamic websites. Vincent's friend, François Buffière, introduced him to the PHP language. Vincent came up with the ElePHPant by drawing PHP letters on a paper and playing with them a little. He noticed they were in shape of an elephant.
+ 22
Marc Andreessen created the first grafical webbrowser for WWW
+ 21
email invented by Ray Tomlinson
+ 21
Sanskrit language is most compatible language for computers. And it is especially efficient with binary programming as it is the most logically designed language in the world. And thus it is also easiest language for computers to understand