+ 3
In which order should I learn these : {HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery}
Now that i have completed C#and SQL, i would like to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery. But am confused about which one to learn first. Please suggest me an order in which i can complete these four courses, so i can get a hang on Web development. Thanks!
7 Antworten
+ 3
Just in that order you wrote. Good luck.
+ 2
i think many people just talk about languages, but there is something that is probably more important than php and jquery. it is called responsive design, EVERY client today will require resposive design for his project, but sometimes it won't need php or jquery.
So i would recommend you focusing on responsive design (using css @media queries, using some framework like bootstrap or angularJS). When you figure it out then you can proceed with other languages like php, sql etc.
+ 2
@codE niNjA
Thank you so much. I appreciate that.
+ 1
@Amar Thanks man!
+ 1
html and css, javascript, angular js, php