+ 7
Solution of Challenges
Sometimes I don't understand the right solution even after checking the wrong answers afterwards. Is there a way to find explanations? I only found the possibility to report something.
13 Antworten
+ 10
I'm agree with you @Thomas, when i want to search the solution i have to rewrite all code from scratch manually.
Should be there an option for copy the question when you see the right answers.
You can send a feedback to sololearn in app or email: info@sololearn.com
+ 10
@Thomas for mental training you can use the Quiz Factory, with it you can learn, keep fresh your mind and vote some questions without lose XP's.
For matemathicals question i found an interesting app, it helps me a lot, check out and let me know what do you think: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mathmaster
+ 7
This is what I do when I failed a question during a challenge, I will check why I failed, if I dont understand I will try to do a little research on that particular question, then will I have understanding on not just that question alone but related topics..
+ 5
Then start with the concept of what brought that question e.g if I failed a difficult loop and I don't really know loop, I will not understand how they arrived at that answer even if I execute it. So what I will do is start with what is loop and how it is implemented then from there I should start having my bearing on that question...
+ 5
Good question. Happens to me. Often I search the web and read the general topic (different perspective). Today I was close to asking here when I noticed I'd messed myself up and wasn't thinking straight, lol.
I'll admit, Python is very confusing coming from a C background. But I agree there should be a copy-pasta options on quizzes when reviewing answers.
+ 4
Thank you Awele. Actually I can't copy the code, so researching is unneccessary complicated. But maybe my knowledge is still too poor...
+ 4
Often you can type it over, because they aren't too long. But I definitely agree there should be some explanation to the challenges
+ 4
Rome was never built in a day so do expect to put all in your head overnight, try and write the failed question on a paper if it needs further explanation/research e.g loops (if you really want to know why you failed it you have to try and write it, then run it to see if it gave you the answer you are expecting.
+ 3
if I don't understand why my answers is wrong. Then I'm usually just trying to play a code and watch in result of compilation or execution.
+ 3
@Awele, you are 100% right with your method. I'm learning C++ and it seems, that not always the (for me) clear answer is the right one. That drives me nuts and then I want a quick solution. Maybe Sololearn should offer mental trainings in addition...
+ 3
@ Maz, good point! I will propose an optional explanation made by the creator
+ 3
@ Maz, I knew the factory but thank you.
Nice App for training math skills, just levelled up 😉
+ 1
I am agree with you there should be option of copy and paste given questions..
But , this thought of copy and pasting according to me it will be lazy ness ..
When we copy , paste the question the compiler compiles and gives output..
But , if we write the code from the scratch it would be much more better then copy,pasting..
Solo learn is a the best app for learning..