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I can't just let php blow my head
i'll learn it later....for now i have decided to copy some codes, for registration system... i want u guys to check this link: http://www.codingcage.com/2015/01/user-reg... and tell me how can i do the styles, he used bootstrap....i have downloaded it, but i'm not sure on how to put it there....
9 Antworten
I got 404 page?
dude, php isn't the only programming language that can help you create what you want . based on what you want to create there are several other languages. a good example of an easy versatile language to learn is python. good luck !
sorry calvin, maybe i wrong copied the link....if u can type in google" code for php login system"....the third link on results"www.codingcage.com"..is our target, hope u'll get it....looking forward to hear from you
@bryce...yah, i hope there some other ways, i'll try to check them out...i'll be thanksful, if u'll get involved in sorting my problem, coz t makes me low.....welcome bryce( i wish to contact you)
@kelvin de danielo , what is your Facebook, I can teach you a little
@bryce, i use the same id "kelvine de danielo"....see u soon bro
g'me ur fb ID..
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haaaaahaaa are you scared