3 Antworten
+ 11
beginner=" Calculator- Number Guessing Game- Project Idea Script- Lottery Number Generator- Prime Number checker- Password Generator".split("-")
print("\nBeginner Ideas:")
for i in beginner:
intermediate=" Hangman- BlackJack- Text Adventure- Tic Tac Toe- File Sorter- https://projecteuler.net/".split("-")
print("\nIntermediate Ideas:")
for i in intermediate:
advanced=" Download Manager- WebCrawler- Media Player- Python IDE- Operating System".split("-")
print("\nAdvanced Ideas:")
for i in advanced:
See what I did there? I turned your need for ideas into a Python script. That is what ideas are. They are you finding something, anything that needs to be coded and coding it. I highly recommend you start a Project Idea script that will allow you to not only get random ideas, but also add new ideas and save them to text files with descriptions.
+ 8
Well thats a good idea :P Thanks for your post!
+ 3
hey check this out