+ 7
Best Python IDE
Hey Pythonistas! What would be the best IDE for python. It should be preferably open-source. I know there are a lot of different IDEs for different purposes (eg. web development, machine learning, big data, statics and so on). I would like to know your favourite IDE and for what do you use it for? Thank you guys! ¬~~~~~~~θ
12 Antworten
+ 24
+ 5
PyCharm for coding
Jupyter for data science projects
+ 5
I'm currently trying out Visual Studio Code with Python extension. So far, I like it a lot because it's lightweight (and so am I 😉). I've tried PyCharm and Atom and Notepad++ and Thonny, but VS Code suits me best for what I've attempted so far.
+ 2
Thank you for thar really structured answer. Yea, I've heard of Atom, will definitely check it out.
+ 2
pycharm community edition
+ 2
well i prefer Visual code as i am still a beginner :)
+ 1
Is PyCharm free? I know there's a community account, but how much can you do with it?
+ 1
wing ide personal works awesome for m
p.s. search forum before
it pays !
+ 1
PyCharm has a professional edition, where you have access to all features, and a Community edition (free), with most of the features of the full version. The price of the professional edition starts from 120 euros a year
Difference is professional edition supports other languages you may need as Javascript, or frameworks as Django, or database integration. In my case only feature I miss on the community compared to professional is that it does not have support for running code on remote machines
On the other hand, you have an editor like Atom which is being improved by users, with lots of plugin, where you can do decent python development no matter the OS of your choice
+ 1
Jetbarin's Pycharm.
+ 1
pydev in eclipse ide.
+ 1
Codelobster python IDE - http://www.codelobster.com/python.html