+ 6
Quiz downvote 😢?????? 4 what reason????
guys , why some quizes are downvoted due to no reason , there must be a window to take the reason 4 the downvote of that quiz , so that the quiz maker can correct it (or he can know that what mistake he had done, or his question was not matching the level or any other mistake) we need more quizes , bcz the questions repeat again and again , and after so much of repeated questions (some answers gets fitted in the mind), u all know this we enjoy repeated question (but it gives old players more chance of win.
6 Antworten
+ 4
1. All questions based on what is not taught at sololearn must be declined.
2. All questions based on things that are undefined by standards must be declined for e.g. In c++ people somehow have liking for using postfix and prefix operators in an expression. The results are undefined by C++ standards but we'll defined by Java standards.
3. Questions with cosmetic syntax errors should be declined even if the rest of the question is very clear and one knows what the correct answer is.
Cosmetic syntax error is like
Int var instead of int var, my reasoning is the program will simple not compile if you have 'I' instead of 'i'. Also at times there is a confusion because there is an option "error" in the choices provided, you are not sure whether 'i' is intentional or typo.
And yes the reasons for declining must be communicated to person who submitted the question(s).
+ 11
my quizzes also got down vote and some were approved.. some times there are so many similar questions and some times people doesn't understand the question or too big or too complicated or too easy or spelling mistake.
+ 7
im srry
+ 5
thats why i am demanding a "downvote reason box" in sololearn ,
so that new quizes can come fast (really fast)
+ 5
@Ahir ha ha ha... but I how do you know its his quiz cause I don't remember seeing the author's name in the quizz factory
+ 2
Thank you Gaurav :-)