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Does anyone here work with ROS. Which IDE would you recommend to be used?
Back in school I used to use Turbo C++ and I love it. Now I need to learn ROS and am looking for a good IDE in Ubuntu to pair with ROS. I have read somewhere that QtCreator is good. Any suggestion on a good IDE to pair with ROS. I am looking for one that has a very good debugging capabilities .Turbo C++ had good debugging capabilities( just for reference for what I mean by good). Any and all help welcomed.
2 Antworten
+ 4
Never heard of ROS, but Qt is probably the best cross-platform IDE.
+ 2
ROS (robotics operarting system) is a framework to use sensor , devices.Ros integrate all components as a graph (sensor and devices as nodes and topic as edges ) . to comunicate with each node ROS use a suscriber/publisher model .
I 'm working with ros . I dont use a IDE for it. I only use code editor as sublime text for write nodes in python or c++. in most time I use terminal.