+ 7
Don't get it?
anthers example of JavaScript extra explaintion needed here!!
3 Antworten
+ 1
I am trying to past this using: 1) img, 2) length, 3) src
And it is says faild
I find commenting out all the .js (crtl + a, then ctrl+ /) initially and running just the html, gives an idea of what it looks like with out the .js. Then uncomment the .js and run the code again, and see the output with the script. Then read the .js, line by line to try and understand what it's doing. This might also help you understand it, it helped me.
- 1
P5 dom?
It's by Processing, it's a library filled with easy to use functions for you.
Check it out here:
It's very useful, I wrote this snake game in a few hours with it.