+ 4
How to learn java easily.
Please help me to warm up.
4 Antworten
+ 6
After using sololearn you can try
learn java the hard way (search it)
It makes you learn both java and programming in general really deep and smooth.
+ 3
Practice! Find a site with small coding challenges, like codingbat, codewars, hackerrank, or many more. Try to do them. Google things of you get stuck...
+ 2
Plenty of options, like:
* https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFE2CE09D83EE3E28
(beginner tutorials)
* https://www.hackerrank.com/ has java tutorials
* head first java (book) explains things really well
+ 2
Go for challenges they are offering, when you have to answer under a time limit your mind will start to understand the questions and the codes faster your efficiency will increase and it will let you know how much you know and how good others are.
there's a alot of tricky questions are there and you'll learn them only by solving the challenges complete your course and play as much as you can and it will also increase your rank significantly.