Where can i type codes on computer
12 Antworten
+ 3
Use atom or if u r willing 2 pay use sublime text
+ 3
For quick and versatile programming, I have always been a fan of repl.it .
+ 3
+ 1
notepad or use advanced editors like notepad++ or sublime
+ 1
You will not get any Viruses from this link. It's Notepad++ and everyone at school and at home is using it for various reasons. It supports a lot of languages but it does not compile it for you.
But it's easy to run programs like HTML and JavaScript.
Many languages can be written in no more than a text editor, like notepad. They can then be exacuted by changing the extention of the. txt file and clicking the file, or by running a compliler.
However, if you want specific software to write code try C++,, eclipse or codeblocks. You can also look at the first session of "The New Boston's" tutorials for software installation guides.
I tryed eclips and it was virus. My father wanted to play 8 ball pool and suddenly porn site pops up. NO MORE ECLIPSE EVER
is that link for android or windows
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im not willing to pay and can i tpe java in Atom
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there are free editors bro or just crack paid ones 😏
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o,oh good idea (lets eat some viruses)
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