How to write a report ? Eg: display a report with roll no , sub, name, marks,marks increase (2%) for each student in the table
pls help
10 Antworten
+ 2
for write a report in C lang; u can make use of switch statements or u can also make use of "struct"element..yet the former one will be more easy!😊
+ 2
@Shreya, I would like to help, but I don't really understand what you want to do. If you want to create reports from mysql you need an external tool e.g. Crystal Reports.
If you use Crystal Reports you can follow the steps described in the mysql docs:
What do you mean by roll no, sub, marks increase? can you post the table structure you want to report from?
+ 2
No need for new question @Shreya, just edit your post,
+ 2
Paste the link to the image in your post, I've never tried this, but it may just work.
+ 2
Sorry, I don't know how to do that..
+ 2
hello @shreya...i can help u much better with ur programming; u can have my whatsapp no. if U wish so that we both can remain in touch😊
+ 1
it's ok nd thank u 😊
thank u....sorry I didn't see that i had made a mistake in the question ...really sorry ....I will post a new question again
can we add images in post ?
I want to click the pic nd then post .....how to do that ?