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Why While loops?
Hey guys, I came here to ask a question why while loops are so important to use.If you know please answer.
33 Antworten
+ 3
something that loops as long as the condition is true, that means it will repeatedly check the condition over and over again . Also while loops has simpler codes (for me)
+ 3
Oh this time I got it.
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Thanks Josef for the answer
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I understood loop.Loops are used to repeat certain things.
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well, while loops repeats from an unknown amount of time until the condition is met( the condition intially true, becoming false ), on the other hand, for loops repeats for a given amount( size of an Array, for example ). Sorry for the confusion
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Do you think sololearn gives in-depth tutorial for Html.
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I'mma sleep now
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12.31 am
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real example for while loop is: in game programming when a player tries to penetrate through wall while loop will stop him to cross it and when he takes another. direction it breaks.
+ 1
do you understand do...while?
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what is while?
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how about do...while loops?
+ 1
ahah I didn't get it.
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do you understand it,then?
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Too bad this app doesn't provide advance courses for python, java, or any language
+ 1
Wow Seelam good example.
No.I didn't understood it it's little bit confusing.
How while loops are different from for loops?
I hope I didn't waste your time.