+ 141

Experience vs Education, who should win?

Is Experience better than Education or visa versa... you can give your own thoughts that whom helped you the most for being a Successful Coder.

18th Aug 2017, 7:00 AM
Riyad Arshad
Riyad Arshad - avatar
310 Antworten
+ 273
What if I told you, that proper education is also a form of experience, and experience is also a form of education?
18th Aug 2017, 8:35 AM
Hatsy Rei
Hatsy Rei - avatar
+ 122
love the discussion here:) don't you think that the concept of education has changed significantly over the last few years... the traditional classrooms are boring, good schools shift to project-based learning... young people prefer to travel and try different things to learn... so seems like edu is experience, experience is edu... another question comes to mind here - is SoloLearn an experience or education?:)
18th Aug 2017, 12:13 PM
Yeva - avatar
+ 96
experience without education is time loss education without experience reason to forget education and experience together the best 🖒
18th Aug 2017, 7:27 AM
Melih Melik Sonmez
Melih Melik Sonmez - avatar
+ 38
Both are connected to each other to be complete. So both are on the same side and no one wins. They complete each other.
18th Aug 2017, 9:00 AM
w_arafat - avatar
+ 35
Education is basic thing required to gain Experience No Education No Experience
18th Aug 2017, 6:46 PM
Ehtesham Ali
Ehtesham Ali - avatar
+ 28
i give education 30% and experience 70% but without education we won't succeed in our experiences because we have to learn something first if we want to understand what we can do and complete it with our ideas that we collect from those experiences
18th Aug 2017, 1:05 PM
Ouafae Kandoussi
Ouafae Kandoussi  - avatar
+ 26
both are like parellel wire to each othe, you can't get electricity from socket until you have put both terminals in the socket!!
18th Aug 2017, 9:55 AM
Ubaid Siddiqui
Ubaid Siddiqui - avatar
+ 22
It is same as question ,What came first, the chicken or the egg?   I can say lot for experience, but you have to have an education to get the experience. 😃 As Education is important but only learning is not useful according to me. Knowing about one particular work and doing practice is an actual learning or education as we see in coding!!! 👍👍👍👍👍 That is the reason these days in many fields are preferring the candidates who are experienced not degrees 📕📕📕📔📚📙📘📗📓📒 Work experience is always better than education because once you start working know then you will come to know what results it will give and what difficulties it has to be face Great discussion!!!!!🍓🍓🍉🍅🍎👍👏👐👋🤛🍒🍑🍐🍎🍓
20th Aug 2017, 4:18 AM
💞ⓢⓦⓐⓣⓘ💞 - avatar
+ 21
I disagree with most of the answers on here as I'm self taught and learned how to program by reading documentation. I already knew how to program in many different languages before I found sololearn, I use this app as a reference if I forget how to do something in a programming language. Nobody taught me to program, so am I "self educated" or have I learned through experience? I say experience.
18th Aug 2017, 6:38 PM
Aidan Haddon-Wright
Aidan Haddon-Wright - avatar
+ 19
Like most answers experience and education both go hand in hand. You take the first step with education and then climb the stairs with experience. To have an experience you don't necessarily need an education but to have an education you need someone else's experience. So if the question arises as to what came first then, it was experience first which became an education for others.
18th Aug 2017, 10:03 AM
Infant Raj
Infant Raj - avatar
+ 19
they are integral we need both of them
21st Aug 2017, 10:58 AM
Ahmed Abdelrahman
Ahmed Abdelrahman - avatar
+ 17
Gimme that best answer w_arafat nailed it!
18th Aug 2017, 9:01 AM
👑 Prometheus 🇸🇬
👑 Prometheus 🇸🇬 - avatar
+ 17
well I think experience is better than education because thought education gives you an insight knowledge but you might not be able to apply it. while for experience you will get to know more and in most case be educated. And also experience covers both education and knowing more because not all can be taught.
19th Aug 2017, 9:38 PM
Eromosele Jude Odanlumen
+ 17
We want both of them to win.🙋
28th Aug 2017, 7:05 AM
Chinthana Kavinda
Chinthana Kavinda - avatar
+ 16
Both r related to each other
18th Aug 2017, 2:05 PM
Fazil - avatar
+ 15
It's a paradox!
18th Aug 2017, 8:40 AM
👑 Prometheus 🇸🇬
👑 Prometheus 🇸🇬 - avatar
+ 15
Both are important for me...Loved the community as always the ques.:)
18th Aug 2017, 12:20 PM
Tasfia - avatar
+ 15
experience with minimum required education is best ,actually they both are different education let us to think in many ways to solve a problem like easy way or innovative way education without experience do not work out practically finally i want to say is education gives confidence to servive in job where as experience makes us master piece at work
18th Aug 2017, 12:21 PM
Sudheera Kakulavarapu
Sudheera Kakulavarapu - avatar
+ 15
I am a graduate of a coding bootcamp. Before attending the bootcamp I had very limited practice experience and no real world experience in software development. I attended the bootcamp for three months and landed my first dev job three weeks after completing the course. The entire purpose of these kind of courses is to provide real-world-type experience and create job candidates that actually have the skills necessary to step into a dev team and be efficient, effective and beneficial. This is a problem companies have had with new CS grads. They can't really code the way they're needed to code. The on-boarding process just takes too long. So, for me an education built out of experience was definitely the right way to go. I have been a professional software engineer now for just about three years and I get multiple calls every week from employers and recruiters wanting me to read over job descriptions for senior engineering positions. This path worked great for me and I now do mentoring as a side job for students coming through the bootcamp I attended (Coder Foundry) and I have seen them, one after the other, launch new careers as software/web developers, using the real world skills they obtained in the bootcamp.
20th Aug 2017, 5:26 AM
Shane Overby
Shane Overby - avatar
+ 13
we get experience from education increase in knowledge also increases the experience
18th Aug 2017, 2:14 PM
Aman singh Sikarwar
Aman singh Sikarwar - avatar