Thats why don't to learn too much
so far . make me more confused to know them at all . whyyyyyyy?😹
2 Antworten
+ 3
Cus cpu of human and computer can't calculate two things in same times :P
+ 2
Although that's accurate AllHard, its ability to seamlessly switch between two tasks is astounding, and worthy of being called multitasking (although we both know that's an inaccurate term, technically, in regards to humans).
With that being said, we also know that a lot depends upon the hardware. Some people can easily learn multiple things at the same time, and it doesn't cause any type of issues, whereas other people need to focus solely on one things and absorb it fully before moving along.
Honestly, programming in general takes awhile for all of the concepts to fully root itself inside of your brain. I like to think of it like playing music. When you first pick up the instrument, you're really bad at it, the sound is horrible, and you simply don't know what you're doing at all. It's so confusing. However, the more you learn to play, read music, etc... the better you become at it. Eventually, it becomes second nature and you're easily playing beautiful music. Same concept with programming. The more you work on it, learn, and practice, you'll eventually become really good at it and it'll all just "click" in your brain. With that being said, not everyone is meant to be a programmer, and some people simply don't have the type of mentality to do this type of work. That's not to be mean, but just simple truth; I would be a horrible surgeons, I don't have the hands or mind for it.