Q about / and // or floor division for python
So / is a forward slash that also asks as a division sign in python Anytime you use / between 2 numbers even if it comes out evenly it will give you a float. What im confused about is if you use // for division that breaks even it wont be a float but // is the floor division even if u use // for just not showing a that its a float is it still floor division? im also confused about floor division and why it rounds down the way it does?/ thanks
1 Antwort
I'm not sure if I understand your question. Is it about how floor division works? If it is, think of it as if it was a function:
# imagine a floor function to emulate x // y
def floor( x, y ):
count = 0
while x >= y:
x -= y
count += 1.0
return count