Starting to program with SQL
Any project idea to start programming with SQL?
3 Antworten
+ 11
❄ Websites To Practice Your Coding Skills
⚡ https://www.hackerrank.com
⚡ https://www.codewars.com
⚡ https://www.hackerearth.com
⚡ https://codecombat.com
⚡ https://projecteuler.net
⚡ https://brainwar.it
⚡ http://www.programmr.com
⚡ https://www.codechef.com
⚡ http://www.codeabbay.com
⚡ https://www.topcoder.com
⚡ https://coderbyte.com
⚡ https://leetcode.com
⚡ http://exercism.io
⚡ https://codefights.com
⚡ http://www.cyber-dojo.org
⚡ http://codingbat.com
⚡ http://www.pythonchallenge.com
⚡ https://codegolf.stackexchange.com
⚡ https://www.codingame.com
⚡ http://www.programmr.com
⚡ https://programmingpraxis.com
💧 Credit :: Maz
+ 5
Setup a local Apache web server, eg XAMPP, write some PHP codes to build some webpages, try to generate some data from HTML form inputs, submit it to PHP file. The PHP file then get the posted data and store it on database Mysql table.
Make another PHP file to retrieve the stored data on that Mysql table, update it into another HTML table.
You also could add some controls to change to HTML table data, use PHP to update the data back into Mysql.
Here some sample for you to kick start..
+ 1
Are all these websites are for practising all types of coding?