Give me a project idea to make a project in java..?
please tell me..
2 Antworten
+ 1
What's your skill level? Here are some things you can try, from easy to hard:
- A prime number generator (basic for loops)
- A game of hangman (Input/Output, drawing sick stick figures)
- Your own version of a LinkedList which you can add elements to and find stuff in (recursion)
- A maze generator / maze solver (algorithms)
- A chess board where pieces can move like they do in actual chess (more algorithms)
- A sudoku generator / sudoku solver (even more algorithms)
- A mandelbrot set generator (maths, generating images with BufferedImage)
- A program which grabs weather data from online and shows you a forecast (more IO, parsing)
- Your own database which you can query and that saves stuff in .txt files
- An interpreter for the programming language 'Brainfuck'
- A TCP server which serves the weather data from before to clients, possibly using the database from before to store it (IO, threading)