Javascript problem solving college assignments semester-1 help
Hi guys I just started college and really really need help understanding my programming assignments. I am new to programming and learning javascript. What is the best resource/s to understanding javascript problems/assignments step by step (and improve thinking process for general programming problems using Javascript) i understand most of the syntax but i want to have a better understanding of the whole process conceptually and how to think while problem solving. Is there a paulsOnlineMathsNotes (really simple and effective website teaching math with main concepts and problems with solutions step by step) version for javascript? Tried codeacademy, sololearn little bits of treehouse and fcc all helpful But need something that drills concepts and problem solving for assignments especially topics like arrays, loops and the sort etc and only goes to next section after 5 or more word problems with different levels(easy,medium, hard) are covered step by step (like paulsnotes does for calculus) and also teaches how to look for references online something that doesnt waste too much time on the basics alone and something that doesnt suddenly go too advanced and leave you stuck!! I really have limited time due to other classes/courses and subjects need help!! pls recommend something fitting, intuitive and relevant that can be done in 30 hours or 5 days of studying. Thanks