+ 1

[Project] I need someone who can help me make a website like this:

I am working on a site similar to this (https://ibb.co/jsfPTk ). I am already finished with the HTML and CSS but need someone to write the PHP and/or MySQL part. I am so sorry that I have no budget, I am trying to complete this website for my school friends. Website DESC: As soon as the user gets to the website, he gets to enter his username and then he proceeds to the page that I've given as an example. The website is hosted on a server so whatever he posts should stay permanent in the chat. Thanks

22nd Sep 2017, 4:20 PM
Hamza Ahmed
Hamza Ahmed - avatar
17 Antworten
+ 4
https://www.sololearn.com/Course/PHP/ https://www.sololearn.com/Course/SQL/ ^Read those and stop being lazy. The best part is that after you learn them, you'll know them and will be able to accomplish your tasks without relying upon others to do what you can do yourself. Hope that helps.
22nd Sep 2017, 6:06 PM
+ 4
Okay, understood. I have a son, so sorry if I'm about to go "Dad" on you, but... If you have under a week to turn this in, when did they first tell you about it and what was required? I assume if there was more to learn for it, then you were given ample amount of time to do what was needed for this project, right? Which means you weren't studying when you were suppose to. :) Either way, send me an email and I'll help you out with this. Doesn't take long to create a database and user account system. Youll need to understand how it works though in case they ask you questions about your code.
22nd Sep 2017, 6:53 PM
+ 3
@David, you have a point there, we need to have a way to collaborate, I suppose the TS is in his class maybe he'll answer later :)
23rd Sep 2017, 4:39 AM
+ 3
@David, would I be wrong if I suggest the use of ready-to-use forum software, I mean, if @Hamza is into creating a forum like this, and in such a short deadline, I can only think of that as a feasible thing. @Hamza, I share same thoughts with @David, please explain in simple way, what and how you expect this project output would be. I have viewed your link on browser, but I seem to fail understanding what that page was all about. And when is exactly the deadline anyway?
24th Sep 2017, 3:07 AM
+ 3
@Hamza mate, I'm available and willing to help, but if it comes to development of chat app, I'm afraid I can't help, or maybe can, but with minimum contribution, no experience in such area honestly. However, I agree with what @David said, you should keep this project open welcoming others that might help, as you look for collaborates, you can start by searching how such systems work, or, if the 3rd party system is open source you can learn from it, by adopting and extending as necessary. Best wishes for you mate.
26th Sep 2017, 4:18 AM
+ 2
OMG! why you didn't mention about a week deadline in your original post? it takes time to create something like that from scratch, it's okay though if you happened to have a working system with minimum modification needed. I still think you should've done this with a team @Netkos Ent was right, for such tight deadline they should've provided you the details, or else spare you more time to learn as you progress the project. If you are a student it means your time will be spent on the project, with the risk getting left behind in studies, bit unfair I guess. @Netkos mate, I would like to contribute, what say if we split the bill?, though little maybe that I know, so how can we begin?
23rd Sep 2017, 3:25 AM
+ 2
@Hamza mate, do you have database structures ready, and the PHP login system, how far have you gone? details please..
23rd Sep 2017, 3:28 AM
+ 1
@NetkosEnt I have to turn it in just under a week, That's why I was asking for others' help, BUT ANYWAYS THANKS AL LOT! [You give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, You teach a man how to fish, you feed him for life.]
22nd Sep 2017, 6:33 PM
Hamza Ahmed
Hamza Ahmed - avatar
+ 1
Hey Guys... I've been known to whip together a website or two in a week or so. Let me know if you put up a private Bitbucket or something. Another major problem here is the lack of details around what needs to be done. The link is broken, so I'm not sure what needs to be built.
23rd Sep 2017, 4:33 AM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 1
@Hamza - In your previous response, you stated: "...I don't have anything except the HTML and CSS ready, and that's the part where I want help with..." I thought you were needing help with the PHP and MySQL parts, as stated in the question. Let me know if I am misunderstanding your request. If you do have the HTML and CSS in your screenshot, is this available for review via the server your referred to in your question? Can you send a link to the HTML pages you've created so far? If not, can you post that into a Code Playground at least for us to begin working with? Your screen shot gives very little direction of what you want the page to do. - https://image.ibb.co/m3rng5/TEST.png Your initial question ends with this line: "...whatever he posts should stay permanent in the chat." So... is the objective here to allow a user to post multiple messages to the page? Will the user be able to edit or delete these messages? Will other users be able to log in and post messages? Come to think about it, it sounds like your page is similar to this Question / Answers page in SoloLearn. Do you have any other HTML / CSS? (i.e. - login form / message thread / new message text box) How complex / simple is this assignment? For example, will username / passwords be manually seeded into the database or will there need to be a user management page? Or, will this need to only support a single user? As you can see, there is a lot of missing information here. Are there any other specific requirements to consider for this assignment? The more details you can provide, the better it will be for people willing to help you. [Updated Post] - I added a link pointing directly to the image only.
24th Sep 2017, 2:23 AM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 1
@Hamza... I'm glad to hear you don't have the deadline pressure to worry about anymore. What specific problem are you having that we can help with? Are you trying to write your own version of this chat program? I took a quick look at the app. Try organizing your thoughts into specific tasks/questions we can digest and assist with.
24th Sep 2017, 7:40 AM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 1
@Hamza Ahmed - Unfortunately, I'm incredibly busy with my other development projects at the moment. My original thought was to help you, @Netkos and / or @Ipang with a relatively simple assignment. Getting involved to help write a chat app would be a larger commitment than I am able to make. You should definitely continue looking for another developer, who lives in a similar time zone as you, to partner with. I'm certain you will learn a lot from this experience. Best of luck!
26th Sep 2017, 1:40 AM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 1
@Hamza... You should spend some time looking at websockets for your chat app. This will allow for real time updates via push notifications coming from the server to the client. NodeJS would be a good platform to implement this.
26th Sep 2017, 4:33 AM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
I don't actually know your Email
22nd Sep 2017, 7:19 PM
Hamza Ahmed
Hamza Ahmed - avatar
I edited the link, I don't have anything except the HTML and CSS ready, and that's the part where I want help with, I'd love to know more about how we all could collaborate. I am researching some options too. @Ipang , @DavidC
23rd Sep 2017, 8:12 AM
Hamza Ahmed
Hamza Ahmed - avatar
@David, @Ipang, and everyone else. I created an HTML page linked with CSS (azmah.ml) here. I am currently using a Third-party software for my chat. I am having problems with the PHP, MySQL and jQuery. There is no deadline now, 'cause I technically did complete the project but would love to remove the third-party software off my site with all of your help.
24th Sep 2017, 6:54 AM
Hamza Ahmed
Hamza Ahmed - avatar
@David, I want an app similar to the one put up on the website, but not with a lot of options. I just want the chat program to be a lot simpler. If you could give me your email today (within an hour to two) we may be able to work together. Thanks 😁 EDIT: WE'D DISCUSS MORE AT EMAIL.
24th Sep 2017, 8:07 AM
Hamza Ahmed
Hamza Ahmed - avatar