+ 5
How to make a list of new numerator / denominator while we know the first numerator , denominator also step of it at looping
input : (first numerator) (first denominator)(stepnumerator)(stepdenominator)(many lines) example : 1 2 0 3 5 output : 1/2 1/5 1/8 1/11 1/14 input : 1 1 1 1 5 output: 1 1 1 1 1
20 Antworten
+ 8
Thank LakShay for following me !!
+ 4
Here's My try:
+ 3
okayy i will tell you
when input is 1 2 0 3 5
x / y ; x is numerator y is denominator
the first input is for tell us the first numerator
the second input is for tell us the first denominator
the third input is for step of the numerator
the fourth input is for step of the denominator
the fifth input is for max lines of that numerator / denominator
then when input 1 2 0 3 5 it means the first numerator at x / y is 1 / 2 with step of numerator 0 and step of denominator 3
and the program will run 5 times looping
then output will :
1/2 1 is nomerator 2 is denominator
1/5 1 is nomerator 5 is denominator 2+3
1/8 1 is nomerator 8 is denominator 5+3
1/11 1 is nomerator 11 is denominator 8+3
1/14 1 is nomerator 14 is denominator 11 + 3
+ 3
this is a basic question
but i dont have any knowledge at programming
so i need to learn step by step
+ 3
okay thank you so much Ben
+ 1
no if input 2 and 4
then output must also 2 / 4 with no simplified
+ 1
okay thanks benn
please help me 🙏
+ 1
do you use any media social so i may chat you to ask another question hehe
you're so genius
i was amazed
+ 1
do you understand indonesian language ?