+ 1
What is your "why"?
I meant that what made you learn programming and for what or simply why did you start learning programming? Just for curosity and motivation for beinners:)
7 Antworten
+ 5
I began with some BASIC language books with small codes for
- Login
- Draw
- Etc
Next I followed writing games from other books, BASIC and QBASIC
10 cls
20 input "What is the password?", p
30 if p=" 1234" then print "Great, you pass", goto 50
40 else "Try again", goto 20
50 print "You are the master"
something like that ;-p
+ 4
I started programming at the age of 7 or 8
+ 2
I want a career with possibility of grow. Plenty of things to learn in programming. Not sure if that's a good "why" but that's mine.
+ 1
I started off learning VB for making software and then after that I was like, hmm coding as actually a fun task, so I wanted to become computer games developer, then I realised I was much better as web development and now I've changed my course of action to becoming a web developer