- 5
Where can i make an app without learning all this garbage
is not true that anyone can learn how to code because I wasted time here and I haven't gotten shit, but I have an idea and I wanna bring it arrive
5 Antworten
+ 7
@0xDEADBEEF WRONG!!!! That is exactly how the world works. He doesn't want to do the garbage, so he hires a garbage man. :)
Speaking of which, I'm Mr.Garbage Man; pleasure to meet you. What are you trying to create and how much are you willing to pay? I'll happily do the shit you don't want to do. This situation is why programmers are so valuable.
As for coding, it takes a lot of time, but I do agree with you, it's not for everyone. For me, I have stupid hands, so being a surgeon is not for me. Get what I mean? You'll know if it's for you or not, but take into consideration that it takes most people many years to become good programmers.
+ 2
Sorry that's not how the world works. You don't get to just skip the "garbage". In order to learn something and then create something you have to put in time and hard work.
+ 2
No worries. I'm a grown man, business oriented, and already well established doing freelance work. It's 100% your idea, and it'll be built 100% on the specifications that you provide me. When we're done, you can pay me whatever we agreed upon and I'll disappear back into the world; you have full exclusive rights to your product.
+ 1
Emailed you. Remove your email addy so bots don't scoop it up.
okay but I watched 'social network' so we gonna have to be sure on the beginning that we agreed is my idea and I will pay you or give you something in return