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What language i suppose to learn first???
3 Antworten
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You need to ask yourself other questions first. You must take a look at your vision so that you understand your direction to it. So, what is your short- and long-term goals? The best language to learn first is the one that best compliments what you're going to be focused upon. If you're never going to use Python, you're wasting a LOT of time learning and mastering it. However, if your goals entail using C# or Java, then I would focus on learning those first.
Equally so, are you planning to focus on web design/development over application development? If so, you'll want to focus on the web technologies instead, such as HTML/CSS/JavaScript/jQuery/NodeJS/PHP/etc...
If you're not sure what your goals are yet, and are just looking to get your foot in the door right now, then focus on one of the C-based languages, such as C#, Java, or C++. They share similar syntax and make it easy to transition between one another. Java and C# are both really easy to learn, and are also in high demand. C++ is a great language, although some tend to find it harder as a first language; I don't personally agree, but that's because it was my first language back in the 90s.
A lot of people recommend Python first because it's "easier." In my opinion, that's a bad idea. The syntax is dumbed down to the point that it's horrid. It's like being told to learn gibberish as a precursor to learning English; it does nothing toward helping you learn English, just teaches you how to make noise. To be fair though, Python is a very powerful and useful language, so don't get me wrong. The only point I'm making is that the syntax sucks and it does nothing to assist with learning how to program with any of the C-based languages that you'll probably end up learning if you stick with programming. If Python is going to compliment what you're doing, then learn it first, otherwise pick something better suited.
python is great for beginners, so is ruby, java can also be a good option. if you prefer to learn about websites you should learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, in that order. DON'T learn c++ as your first language. its very hard for beginners
I believe C# is a really good starting language. After that move to C++.