7 Antworten
+ 14
@Sakshi I would recommend Flask for starters. It's really easy and adequate for beginner projects.
+ 12
Depends on what you need it for. You mean web framework, like Django or Flask?
+ 10
@warlord Could you please write this code as yours and move it to Codes? Also, please be more specific on what is the challenge there exactly, so people could help :)
+ 8
@Kuba Siekierzyñski I wrote the code that you asked for with a full description and I tested it it's called @Kuba by the way sorry for being late it's was just a little bit of hard work 😊
+ 7
@Kuba Siekierzyñski I saw that you love challenges 😐 I have a one for you in python the challenge says how can you import socket in this code without breaking it ? Here's the code :
import socket as network
server = socket.socket(
socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
while True:
print("creating a network")
what I'm trying to say is how can you break the loop without breaking the importing 😕 ? I tried to use the counter and range but didn't work 😢
+ 5
i think django is the best but flask is easier to learn (not that I know much about the 2)
+ 3
yes web framework!