+ 12
Is someone interrested in VBA
I am just wondering if there is an interrest for VBA. I use now and the progs in MS-programs.
20 Antworten
+ 19
@Vital hahahah ok 😊 yes, great associations :D in spanish my name would sound more like "Pah-oh-la" (not "Poh-la") haha 😜 anyways, here are my answers:
1) True. Of course it would depend on what sort of things you would like to do. If you are trying to program Excel Macros and let those freelancers work with them, then you won't be able to program them with Python, that's one of the limitations, it must be done with VBA. But if you want to let those freelancers extract data from an Excel file and manipulate it for analysis (leveraging the wide range of math and stats libraries that VBA doesn't offer but Python does) then they would have to individually install the packages for Python.
2) Depends on what those freelancers are more fluent and more comfortable with, then you should choose between using Python + Google Spreadsheet (using the packages I mentioned before) or Excel-VBA + Google Spreadsheet (Yes, VBA can read/write Google Spreadsheets with the GSpread.NET library and the Microsoft Excel API, with just a few lines of code)
■ Btw, you could also consider using OpenOffice or LibreOffice, "Calc" is a good option to replace Excel and you can directly program Macros with Python 😊
+ 12
I don't know why this question is getting downvoted. I'd be interested in VBA 👍
+ 11
@Bntarnñ Gpeayh (sorry I can't write the characters of your username 🙈) Yes, it's possible to use Python in Excel without VBA (it won't fully replace it though, for example macros and modules strictly require VBA), it can be done with the xlwings library, or you can also use the add-in called DataNitro.
And yes, you can use Python with Google Spreadsheets through 2 packages: oauth2client (to authorize with the Google Drive API) and gspread (to interact with the spreadsheet) 😊
+ 11
@Vitalij Bredun (aka Bntarnñ Gpeayh) hahahhahaha I'm so so so so sorry 🙈good luck experimenting 😊🍀
+ 10
I think it would be worth adding Visual Basic to SL if they extend their target to people with different career backgrounds or that specialize in different departments, such as Marketing, Compensation, Provisioning, Human Resources, etc. Right now it seems like SL is trying to attract people that is mainly interested in developing a career in the IT world. But the reality out there is that around 80% of businesses use Excel, and most employees that use it on a daily basis don't know how to create Visual Basic scripts to automate repetitive tasks, that could make them more productive by instructing Excel to perform almost any data manipulation and help them save lots of time☺
+ 8
Yes, me 🙋 I'm actually learning VBA at the moment and improving lots of processes in an agency (mainly for Data Science purposes) 😊
+ 5
@Jamie. I see, thanks for the clarification. I agree with you on this, not enough demand for it.
+ 4
By VBA are you talking about visual basic?
+ 1
Is it possible using Python in Excel without VBA? Or using Python in Google spreadsheet?
+ 1
@Paola thx thx thx!
I will do a experiment.
My name in my language sound like as Vitalij Bredun (or short Vital)😀😁😄 but thx for your new funniest interpretation:) I will remember my new name)
+ 1
@Paola 🎉 You showed a high pilotage) Bcs you apply a cybersecurity mental operation. So thanks for a new visual experience)
And then no no no sorry absolutly)) Please apply your tehniques on me) I am Vital)
I know a light sound association with your name: a musician Pauls and my friend was born in Sao-Paulo, Brasilian)
@Paola please comment a new remark (its are true or false remarks?)
###### Contra #Excel or no? 📊
1. Our Excel apps with Python's libraries (your told me about its) won't usabiled in situations with 100-1000 freelance users bcs these require 100-1000 installations Python for all persons.
And then i must use Google+Python or i must build other webapplications.
2.1. or Excel+VBA
Contra Excel +VBA or no?
Excel setting can play off macros vba and then we get a pain for setting of PC 100-1000 users.
+ 1
Wow! 100Thx for your reply! I so like your message))
Your spanish name sound more very very surprized:) but i study it)
I will tomorrow read your expert estimation with curiorisity! Very great! 100thx)
Good day, evening)
+ 1
I am trying to learn VBA through online tutorials however nothing compares to SL so I would have loved for them to have put in the time and effort to have added it.
But VBA is an acessible "development environment" , and would be an great door for a lot of persons who works with, let's say, Excel, but know nothing about programming.
In fact... I'm learning it to teach my wife
actually am very interested to talking to you... okothdennis278@gmail.com . Hope yoj get time
As far as I see the groupe is splitted. For somenit is not programing with VBA and for others it would be nice to know/learn more about it.