+ 15
What are the benefits of Ruby Language?
Benefits of Ruby
5 Antworten
+ 13
It's terse without losing readability. Less typing, less time spent with IDEs and boilerplating classes, mucking around with function prototypes, etc. Ruby borrows enough from perl to have some of that "hack it out in a day" flavor without being quite as unreadable and esoteric as perl.
Great community support via the huge library of gems - the best line of code is the one you don't have to write.
Rails is a very fast web framework to develop on - especially with the emphasis on convention over configuration.
Monkey patching - if you don't like the behavior of a specific piece of a framework, you have the flexibility to modify it
+ 7
Great question! Really is and I'm gonna tell you exactly why.
It would be a huge shame if the world missed out on such a superb language. The fact is: the author of Rails picked Ruby deliberately, and his ‘wild’ bet paid off with huge interest. What he saw back then, many others can see today. Ruby somehow enables programmers in a special kind of way that is so hard to explain to the ‘unwashed masses’. So, why use Ruby on Rails? Ruby makes programmers happy, as advertised.
While most developers agree that Ruby is handy, some see it as too much so. They worry about what might happen with all the freedoms that Ruby allows, all the potential for misuse. Let me illustrate with some monkey patching:
#=> 1
class String
def to_
i raise 'foobar'
#=> RuntimeError: foobar
It’s that easy: with just five lines of code, we’ve taken an existing class and overridden its behavior. Nohting is sacred–not even a String. This particular error would be easy to spot, but things can get much more sinister:
class String
def to_i
self.to_f - 1.13
#=> 0.8700000000000001
Just like that, we’ve introduced an error into the String class that could be wrapped into and obscured by layer upon layer of complexity.
So, you might be thinking: Can everybody and their mother mess up my precious application? While this behavior indeed looks scary–it’s really not. In five years of using Ruby, I’ve had exactly zero problems with this behavior. It may seem counterintuitive, but then again, so is driving cars at 60 MPH in opposite directions separated only by a thin white line in the middle of the road. In practice, both work remarkably well.
+ 1
I will tell you as soon as i finish this course!
+ 1
RUBY is cool