+ 3
Make the code playground offline[tips]
If code playground made offline,there will be a difference from other app. It can be downloaded as a specific html or css or java. So it can be accessed offline
13 Antworten
+ 14
I don't think it can be made offline...
The code should give you the information as to where code playground is actually *hidding*..
+ 4
☺️☺️Yes it can be made offline but for that solo learn app will be of 150 to 200 mb which is not so effective.
Actually this app send data online for compilation and give back us results.
If this made available offline then we have to install all compilers in our phone according to our need.
+ 4
I would prefer the separation of Code Playground module from the app if it were possible, it is much too often I lose whatever I was working on when the app restarts, if it could be separated hopefully it can be safer to work on, that's all :)
+ 2
I think it should remain online. Making it offline will lead to increase in app size as it has to install all those compilers etc. Also for a device having less RAM size it now works efficiently in online mode.
+ 1
soloLearn Moders stop trolling people this is a Serious Challange go ahead and stop writing thisisnt needy its needy developer may be offline and wants to test some code how to do ? you guys call yourself the best how? when its a hard feature you ask your moders to write its no needy or redunant?
So its quite a big app
I am learning html but for want of a compiler I downloaded an app named html editor. Which is only 39 mb
Oh! Then when i start learning java or python what shou
D i do?
i like to eat chocolate while typing on my keyboard which make no sense to all of you,i want to solo learn while *fap* *fap* *fap* oh sorry overdo it lol