+ 2
hi! what's the diference between ' != ' and ' NOT ' ?
9 Antworten
+ 15
There is a difference. NOT, as was pointed out, is a logical operator, and as such, you can use it with various conditions. != is a simple comparison with a certain value.
SELECT name, age, city, job FROM people WHERE city != 'London';
will give you people from all cities except London.
SELECT name, age, city, job FROM people WHERE age >18 AND NOT (city IN ('Sydney', 'Tokyo') AND job = 'Student')
will give you people who are older than 18, except Students from Sydney or Tokyo.
In a very specific query, the two operators will give the same results (as will <> by the way, which is identical to !=):
SELECT name, city FROM people WHERE city != 'London';
SELECT name, city FROM people WHERE city <> 'London';
SELECT name, city FROM people WHERE NOT (city = 'London');
will all return the same set.
+ 11
NOT is logical expression which gives complement of any number whereas != means not equals to.
+ 2
1) NOT is a logical operator. It is applied on conditions. Example : NOT (a>b) is true if the condition 'a>b' is false.
2) != is a comparison operator. It can be used in conditions. Example : (a!=b) is a condition and is true if 'a' is not equal to 'b'.
Simply stating, NOT is applied on conditions whereas != is used to form a condition.
+ 1
there is no difference . the only thing is that "!=" is used in C++ and "NOT" is used in database...
+ 1
I've seen the Not operator expressed as <> as well as != , is there a difference in using these operators? ( just piggybacking here)
how to delete duplicate row from table?
thank you guys for all these answers it really helped me know the difference
output of both the statements are same but the syntax may be different.