+ 4
For advanced/experienced programmers & coders..
As a beginner who is trying to one day become advanced and make various softwares, I wanted to know from the more advanced / experienced programmers on here, What was your journey like from starting as a beginner to now ? How did you bypass any obstacles? How long did it take for you to fully or almost fully understand every aspect of programming? And how could I help myself become more advanced? Also, is there any other programs or apps other than solo learn that you used to help you? Thank you in advance 😁
5 Antworten
+ 9
I have been learning web development languages for over a year and I still find myself in weird situations where I cannot figure out what to do or how to do.
I am nowhere near to be an expert even learning for a pretty long time in my opinion.
I guess the trick is not to think you have become an expert at any time because everyday you will learn something new.
Patience is key here. Learn, admire and never feel that oh those guys are so amazing coders! I cannot become one of them. Because oneday there will be someone who will watch your work and say the very same thing. 😃
+ 8
Foremost I believe you need passion. Programming is one of the few domains for which you can always learn new stuff and improve your skills. I have 15 years experience in C/C++ and I still learn new concepts and better ways to write code.
Don't "bypass" obstacles, working around a problem is like admitting you don't understand its root cause and don't want to bother fixing it. Write code as a hobby, find an interesting project and put some work into it. Be open to criticism and don't reinvent the wheel.
+ 4
I’ve been programming for 25 years. I developed databases, web, applications, and data analysis in many different languages. Programming and learning is a never ending; there is always something new next year. I never had a team mate to help out on obstacles. I relied heavily upon ingenuity and how to get around the problem. Along the way you may discover an elegant solution. If not, it doesn’t matter how sloppy your code is as long as it works correctly. You can always go back and fix it, if you have time.
When you’re really stumped, you can always post your question on programming forum. Hopefully someone will point you in the right direction or something you haven’t thought of.
+ 2
i don't want to sound like a philosopher, but in programming, it's the journey thst matters, not the destination. the journey to perfection is a never ending one. enjoy every day you learn something new.
I think programming is like human body from inside out