How do I resize the videos I put in my programs.
I put a video and when I run the program the video shows up even bigger than my laptop screen.
7 Antworten
+ 4
Could you post a small, representative sample in CodePlayground? In general you can use CSS to resize the element (e.g., width: 100vw; height:100vh) but that really may depend on a few things and people here probably won't mind the opportunity to practice.
+ 4
Please use the code playground so we can see what the output is. It will make it easier for us to help you.
+ 2
video tags are text 'inline' elements; display:block switches them to allow repositioning and 'margin' does the actual move.
Simpler version:
video {
Play-with-values version:
video {
border:1px dashed darkgrey;
width: 45vw;
height: 70vh;
margin:0 auto;
If you're going to center more than one video, you may want to use a CSS class instead.
+ 1
<video height="auto" width="100%"></video>
or if you embed youtube video,
<iframe height="auto" width="100%"></iframe>
Okay. I resized but then how do you change horizontal alignment of the video cuz I tried using align attribute but it's not working.