+ 4
Please i need to know how to include codes and notes in my lessons in the factory
There is a bar down "code,note e.t.c" but whenever I click it nothing apps.Any explanations?
5 Antworten
+ 12
You have to select a piece of text in the lesson and "cast a style" onto it. Then it becomes code, note, bold or italics or a heading.
+ 10
Well, select a piece of text you want to be treated as a "Note" and after you select it, only then press the Note button. It should highlight this piece of text indicating that it has just become a Note.
Have it tested in the preview - it should work.
Same goes with Code, B and I (bold and italics) and the Headings.
+ 4
you can use this tag in lesson factory like html tag and it give same effect like the button inside bottom bar
[code]...[/code] defining code
[note]...[/note] defining note
[b]...[/b] defining bold
[h1]...[/h1] defining main title
+ 3
oh thanks alot
+ 2
please sir what do you mean by cast a style