+ 3

Why bother with JS?

I can't seem to grasp how JS ties in with HTML and CSS. I've completed all three courses and have a pretty firm grasp on how HTML and CSS tie together. For whatever reason it just isn't clicking in my head how all 3 work together as a triumvirate or trinity. Any explanations or simple code examples anyone could offer? Note: this last week or so has been my first involvement with coding. I find it absolutely delightful to study and practice, but I seem to be lacking in the creativity department as I still

26th Dec 2017, 11:23 PM
Dutch - avatar
8 Antworten
+ 12
Let's say you want to make a red box and have it rotate and flip over or display content on it. to create this "box" first we need HTML. We will create a "div" element. This will be the box. For now it's just a raw HTML element, to make our box be a certain size shape or color we need CSS, in fact the "div" could be any shape we like by using CSS. So with HTML we have defined that something exists. With CSS we will define how this element looks. Shape, size, color, position etc. Now that we have defined a "thing" with HTML and styled it with CSS we can make it do stuff with JavaScript. We can say if someone clicks our box the box turns from red to green, or becomes a circle or disappears. JavaScript is the logic. The, if this then that. Hopefully that explains it better.
27th Dec 2017, 3:28 AM
+ 4
At least we all started from somewhere.and we can get better at what we do if we blend.ideas will inspire us to get creative.like putting putting everything you know about html js css into a one big box then you pick at random like in "pick and act" .get inspired to be creative.at least that's how I started.it will only end if I stop
29th Jan 2018, 10:17 PM
black prince
black prince - avatar
+ 2
@Louis Ok! That made complete sense to me, lol I think I may get it now. Time to revisit the JS course and see what I can put together. Thanks!
27th Dec 2017, 3:35 AM
Dutch - avatar
+ 1
*continued* don't fully know what I can do with what I have learned. I am 30, and hope to one day make an android game!
26th Dec 2017, 11:24 PM
Dutch - avatar
+ 1
Let's take a human being: HTML is the skeleton with all the organs, muscles... around it, CSS is the skin color, hair color, feet size, body size, eye color... now the body with all it's diversity (colors, size...) is done but it can't do anything. For it to know how to work and do something we need javascript. We can implement functions for each organ or muscle and connect them to each other to perform great actions. ☺
26th Dec 2017, 11:32 PM
Lucien - avatar
+ 1
Also if you want to make an android game learn Java or Kotlin (and XML) then learn how to use Android Studio. Have fun 🐯
26th Dec 2017, 11:34 PM
Lucien - avatar
+ 1
@Lucien well put! The analogy makes this a little more clear, but I may need to see an example in action to understand. So far (I am constantly going through the 3 courses I've completed so as to hammer them home) JavaScript seems to be most useful for making alert boxes lol. side note: It is my understanding that Java and C++ should be my next step towards android development. Is this correct? Edit: Also, what is XML?😁*gleams with newbie goodness*
26th Dec 2017, 11:38 PM
Dutch - avatar
if i make draving samulator game like a euro truck samulator game then wich language i need to learn please submit . .c++ , java ,and .... and ..???? ..
27th Dec 2017, 4:05 AM
Amir Hussain
Amir Hussain - avatar